
GUM Workbench

Calculate the uncertainty without doing Excel validation in all type of measurement

Screen views

All you need to know about GUM Workbench

Metrodata GmbH is the developer and distributor of the software package GUM Workbench. GUM Workbench is an easy to use Windows-Tool to evaluate the uncertainty of measurement. Metrodata GmbH offers trainings and consultancy about measurement uncertainty.

The software GUM Workbench is based on the “DIN/ISO/BIPM Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement” and implements a systematic way to analyse an uncertainty problem for single and multiple results.

GUM Workbench has a rich set of functions to describe measurement models and budgets. The structured graphical user interface (Windows) is easy to use and supports an easy navigation between the different parts of an evaluation to analyse the relevant influences. The extension GUMCAD supports the intuitive development of measurement models using process diagrams.

Our Products

GUM Workbench Standard Version 1.4

GUM Workbench Standard Version 1.4 is the basic tool for the evaluation of uncertainty in measurement with one result quantity and one budget table. The calculation can be done using uncertainty propagation (following GUM) or using Monte Carlo simulation (folowing GUM-S1).

System requirements:

Processing power: Pentium 600 MHz or faster
Memory: min. 256 MB
Hard disk: min. 20 MB, max. 110 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and NT-based server

GUM Workbench Standard Version 1.4 supports the evaluation of uncertainty for measurements with one result and one budget table.

The calculations follow the principles given in the DIN/ISO/BIPM Guidelines on the evaluation of uncertainty in measurement and are consistent with the following guidelines:

GUM Workbench 1.4 supports the following functions:

  • User defined model equation with up to 512 input quantities
  • One result quantity and one budget table
  • Interim results
  • Trigonometrical and other functions
  • Type A and Type B evaluation
  • Numerical derivatives
  • User defined functions
  • Import from MS-Excel
  • Automatic documentation
  • Report function
  • Export function (Text, Rich Text Format, HTML)
  • Graphics and pictures in reports and exports
  • Monte Carlo simulation
  • Symbolic derivatives
  • Unit validation
  • Correlation matrix validation

GUM Workbench Professional Version 2.4

GUM Workbench Professional Version 2.4 is the professional tool for the evaluation of uncertainty in measurement with multiple result quantities and multiple budget tables. The calculation can be done using uncertainty propagation (following GUM) or using Monte Carlo simulation (following GUM-S1). In addition to Version 1.4 plots of the calculated results are supported.

System requirements:

Processing power: Pentium 600 MHz or faster
Memory: min. 256 MB
Hard disk: min. 20 MB, max. 110 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and NT-based server

GUM Workbench Professional Version 2.4 supports the evaluation of measurements with multiple results and multiple budget tables.

The calculations follow the principles given in the DIN/ISO/BIPM Guidelines on the evaluation of uncertainty in measurement and are consistent with the following guidelines:


GUM Workbench 2.4 supports the following functions:

  • User defined model equation with up to 512 input quantities
  • One result quantity and one budget table
  • Interim results
  • Trigonometrical and other functions
  • Type A and Type B evaluation
  • Numerical derivatives
  • User defined functions
  • Import from MS-Excel
  • Automatic documentation
  • Report function
  • Export function (Text, Rich Text Format, HTML)
  • Graphics and pictures in reports and exports
  • Integrated plotting-tool for simple diagrams based on the calculated results
  • Monte Carlo simulation
  • Symbolic derivatives
  • Unit validation
  • Correlation matrix validation

Network licenses

Two different license models are available: separate licenses or shared licenses.

All versions of GUM Workbench are available as network licenses. With a network license GUM Workbench will be installed on a common file server and can be used from any workstation which has access to the server as long as enough licenses are available.

Separate licenses:

With a separate license model, a separate license must exist for every user who has access rights to the installed Version of GUM Workbench on the server. This rule applies independently whether GUM Workbench is used by a user or not. The total number of licenses must be larger than or equal to the number of users who have access rights to GUM Workbench.

This license model has the following properties:

  • Only a central file service is needed. The central server can run any operating system.
  • Separate licenses are also usable, independent of the server installation. GUM Workbench can be used with this license for example on laptops which have no permanent connection to the server.
  • All users can use the GUM Workbench any time without restriction.
  • The minimum number for this license model is 5 licenses.
Shared licenses

With this license model, a user only needs a license if he actually runs GUM Workbench. Multiple users can run GUM Workbench simultaneously as long as enough licenses are available. The number of users who have access to GUM Workbench is not limited. All users must have permanent access to the server as long as they are using GUM Workbench.

This license model has the following properties:

  • A central file-service and a central license certification service (Windows service) are needed. The operating system of the server must be Windows based.
  • The licenses are not usable independently of the server installation. GUM Workbench cannot be used without a connection to the server.
  • Only as many users can use GUM Workbench at the same time as user licenses are available in the pool.
  • The minimum number for this license model is 2 licenses.
  • This license model is only available for version 2.4.

GUM Workbench functional matrix

Version 1.4
Version 2.4
1. For Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and NT-based servers
2. User defined model equation
3. 512 input quantities
4. User defined functions
5. Automatic documentation and report function
6. Import observation data
7. Correlation analysis for observations (Type A)
8. Greek letters and symbols
9. Trigonometrical and other functions
10. Change quantity order
11. Import from existing budget files (SMU files)
12. Import from MS-Excel
13. Management of imported files
14. Export as text, HTML and Rich Text Format
15. Evaluation templates
16. Export to MS-Excel
17. Experts interface
18. Embedding of pictures and graphics
19. Algebraic partial derivatives
20. Unit validation
21. Monte Carlo simulation
22. Validation of the correlation matrix
23. Multiple result quantities
24. Diagrams based on calculated data
25. OLE automation interface

How to deal with GUM Workbench?

Some examples has been calculated with GUM Worbench

Examples from European Accreditation

Examples from 'EA 4/02 Expression of the Uncertainty of Measurement in Calibration'

Examples from Eurachem

Training and Support

The procedure for the determination of measurement uncertainty is described in the guideline “GUM”, “Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement”.

The software GUM Workbench supports a systematic approach for an uncertainty analysis according to GUM. Thus, its handling is easy to learn and will be intuitively understood.

However, to achieve reliable results based on this general approach, some knowledge is required – not only about the specific measurement system, but also about the fundamentals of measurement uncertainty, the procedure described in GUM and its underlying statistical concepts.

In offers focused on the individual user’s needs, the required knowledge can be imparted and problems can be solved. Content and form are individually designed, e.g.:

  • in-house training
  • Online training
  • presentations and workshops in the context of events, such as conferences or user meetings
  • support and troubleshooting via email

All training and support are provided by qualified, experienced employees of Metrodata GmbH. Scope and topics are arranged according to specific requirements.


GUM Workbench is a standard application program with the possibility that the user can freely modify the model equation. With this feature, the application can be used to evaluate almost any measurement. A general validation by Metrodata for all possible purposes is not possible.

The user of GUM Workbench must check and validate himself that the chosen model equation, the method of the GUM and finally GUM Workbench is suitable for the intended use.

During the development of GUM Workbench it was constantly monitored that the calculation rules defined in the GUM and the EA 4/02 are implemented correctly and that the implemented approach is compatible with these guidelines. Extended checks of any user input and the model equation will inform the user as much as possible about mistakes and recognizable errors in the model and advise about corrections whenever possible.

Every version of GUM Workbench is carefully tested prior to shipment. The correct operation can be verified after installation with the help of the examples from EA and GUM which are part of the installation. Official results are published for these examples.

For orders or questions, please Contact us with the form below